
Age 61 weeks 63 weeks
Date acquired from animal shelter 03 May 2002 03 May 2002
Selected from shelter by Jennifer me
Prefers me Jennifer
Basic temperament Fussy Spastic
Usual whereabouts At bottom of stairs, demanding entertainment On top of Jennifer's Ivar bookshelves
Whereabouts at 3am Sleeping on my computer as I try to type on it Taking up seven eighths of Jennifer's pillow
Typical utterance "Mreer, mreer, mreer, mreer, mreer, mreer, mreer, mreer, mreer" "Mraaaaah"
Purpose of typical utterance Whine for attention Mutter to self
Whiskers Long and luxurious Constantly breaking
Tail Also long and luxurious Thin and stubby with a kink at the tip
Claws Get snagged on every item upon which they are employed Efficiently shred furniture
Preferred beverage source Sink or bathtub Toilet
Reaction to cat food Attempts to stick head in bag Makes disgusted burying motion
Reaction to cat treats Total apathy Running, begging, devouring, drooling
Reaction to laser pointer being picked up from table Frantic chattering Looks around for inevitable red dot
Reaction to glimpse of a spider Searches for spider for days afterward Out of sight, out of mind
Reaction to toy mice Obsessive pursuit Bemusement
When toy mice are thrown through air Will snatch from midair and stuff in mouth Gets hit in nose
When cats are tussling Attempts to wash Crango Attempts to bite Ditko
When held belly-up Stretches into javelin-straight projectile Squirms
Rude awakening Incessant meowing at 5:30am Jumped from top of bookshelf directly onto my stomach with the force of a gaily tossed 15-pound bowling ball
Disturbing reaction to petting Enthusiastically rubs face on petter's feet Tail gets puffy
Source of name Objectivist cartoonist Blended fruit beverage
Fitting name if human Lord Farthington-Smythe Big Dumb Phil

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