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Radio K

Back when my novel was first about to be published, I had the same conversation over and over again: “You have a book coming out? What's it called?”  “It’s called Ready, Okay!”  “Huh? ‘Radio K’?”  I heard that so many times that I decided that if by some bizarre circumstance I ever did get a radio show, that was what I would call it.  Then “podcasts” became a thing, and here we are.  Radio K is currently divided up into two series:


…in which I discuss interactive fiction with people who are in the same boat I’m in: familiar with the medium, but not 100% familiar with the canonical works of the past several years.


…in which I take movies that I would normally have written Calendar articles about and instead discuss them with people who have indicated a particular interest in those films.

Ask/Tell #1 56:44


Savoir-Faire by Emily Short
guest: Clare Parker

Another Earth, Another Sky by Paul O’Brian
guest: Jess Haskins

Ask/Tell #2 54:35


The Moonlit Tower by Yoon Ha Lee
guest: Alex Hoffer

Janitor by Peter Seebach and Kevin Lynn
guest: Elizabeth Sweeney

Till Death Makes a Monk‐Fish Out of Me!
    by Mike Sousa and Jon Ingold
guest: Zoe Friedland

Ask/Tell #3 53:42


Photograph by Steve Evans
guest: Clare Parker

City of Secrets by Emily Short
guest: Alex Hoffer

Ask/Tell #4 50:48


Risorgimento Represso by Michael J. Coyne
guest: Alex Hoffer

Scavenger by Quintin Stone
guest: Kat Zhang

To Hell in a Hamper by J. J. Guest
guest: Clare Parker

Ask/Tell #5 59:05


Slouching Towards Bedlam
    by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
guest: Jess Haskins

Gourmet by Aaron Reed and Chad Barb
guest: Kat Zhang

The Dreamhold by Andrew Plotkin
guest: Melissa Ford

Ask/Tell #6 53:02


Blue Chairs by Chris Klimas
guest: Katherine Morayati

Square Circle by Eric Eve
guest: Clare Parker Fischer

Ask/Tell #7 52:14


Return to Ditch Day by Michael J. Roberts
guest: Alex Hoffer

All Things Devours by Toby Ord
guest: Jess Haskins

Sting of the Wasp by Jason Devlin
guest: Janice Eisen

Ask/Tell #8 59:50


Necrotic Drift by Robb Sherwin
guest: Clare Parker Fischer

Tough Beans by Sara Dee
guest: Stacey Tappan

Distress by Mike Snyder
guest: Laura Hubbard

Ask/Tell #9 57:50


Luminous Horizon by Paul O’Brian
guest: Stacey Tappan

Whom the Telling Changed by Aaron Reed
guest: Katherine Morayati

Beyond by Roberto Grassi, Paolo Lucchesi,
    and Alessandro Peretti
guest: Melissa Ford

Ask/Tell #10 53:11


A New Life by Alexandre Owen Muñiz
guest: Jess Haskins

Chancellor by Kevin Venzke
guest: Laura Hubbard

Finding Martin by Gayla Wennstrom
guest: Janice Eisen

Ask/Tell #11 50:46


Vespers by Jason Devlin
guests: Clare Parker Fischer and Alex Hoffer

The Primrose Path by Nolan Bonvouloir
guest: Amy Hill

Ask/Tell #12 59:55


The Elysium Enigma by Eric Eve
guest: Kat Zhang

Moon-Shaped by Jason Ermer
guest: Phoebe Ng

Ask/Tell #13 56:01


Floatpoint by Emily Short
guest: Jess Haskins

Moments Out of Time: Renegade Type
    by L. Ross Raszewski

Moments Out of Time: Adventure Type
    by L. Ross Raszewski

Ask/Tell #14 58:53


The Baron by Victor Gijsbers (part one)
guest: Rachael K. Jones

Ask/Tell #15 58:33


The Baron by Victor Gijsbers (part two)
guest: Rachael K. Jones

Delightful Wallpaper by Andrew Plotkin
guest: Alex Hoffer

Ask/Tell #16 52:18


Fate by Victor Gijsbers
guest: Amy Hill

Varkana by Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot
guest: Rachael K. Jones

Calen-deliria #1 50:04

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
guest: Stacey Tappan

Calen-deliria #2 42:28

guest: Katie

Calen-deliria #3 1:03:03

Inside Out
guest: Ellie Darling

The Adriffs

…is the name I stuck on the songs that Lizzie and I recorded back when I lived in places where I could play my drum kit without angry neighbors setting my house on fire.  One of my chief criteria in selecting a place the next time I move is going to be the ability to record music there, because I’ve got a bunch of songs piling up.  But in the meantime, here’s what we did in the ’00s.  (The songs below are on the rough side, but I found a tattered magazine from 1992 that told me lo‐fi is all the rage.)

from 2007
recorded in San Leandro, California

Viral Puncture of the Superior Vena Cava
(Adam Cadre)

from 2005
recorded in Holyoke, Massachusetts

August One
(Matthew Amster‐Burton / Adam Cadre)

My Dirty Shoes
(Adam Cadre)

I Hate Myself and Want to Die

from 2004.09
recorded in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Great Song for Truckers and Bikers
(Matthew Amster‐Burton / Adam Cadre)

from 2004.02
recorded in Holyoke, Massachusetts

Mighty 690
(Adam Cadre)


(Liz Phair)

from 2003
recorded in Holyoke, Massachusetts

Kinder Kinder
(Adam Cadre)

On Tonight’s Agenda
(Matthew Amster‐Burton / Adam Cadre)

Love Makes the World Go Round
(the Powerpuff Girls)

As the credits reflect, several of the songs above were based on demos that Matthew Amster‐Burton brought to the band we attempted to start in Seattle in the ’90s; he wrote the vocal and guitar parts, I wrote the bass and drum parts, and then Lizzie and I finally recorded them years later.  The one thing I wound up recording with Matthew was a two‐song CD with one of our many drummers‐for‐a‐day; here’s an excerpt:

from 1998
recorded in Panorama City, California

Alright Again (excerpt)
(Matthew Amster‐Burton / Adam Cadre / Stephen Knittle)

Finally, if you have any interest in what I listen to, here’s a pretty extensive writeup.

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