Homage to Catalonia
George Orwell, 1938
In December 1936 George Orwell signed on with a Marxist group
fighting against Francisco Franco's fascists in eastern Spain.
This book is an account of his time on the front lines and in
Barcelona during a battle between Soviet-backed communists and
the anti-Stalinists with whom Orwell was affiliated.
And that brings up what to me was the one of the two most
interesting aspects of an otherwise dull book about a man whining
that wars make it hard to get cigarettes. Seriously, the
monomaniacal focus on tobacco started off as slightly amusing but
after a while became genuinely intolerable. Back when the tobacco
executives were insisting to Congressional investigators that
nicotine wasn't addictive, someone should have just read this book
into the record. "I wonder what is the appropriate first action
when you come from a country at war and set foot on peaceful soil.
Mine was to rush to the tobacco-kiosk and buy as many cigars
and cigarettes as I could stuff into my pockets." There's
something like this on almost every page.
But anyway. Spain in the 1930s was divided up into a million
different political parties, each with its own acronym: Orwell's
was the POUM, and then you had the PSUC, and the CNT, and the
FAI, and the UGT, and the JCI, and the JSU, and the AIT, and
the FBI, and the CIA, and the BBC, BB King, and Doris Day.
Thus the civil war was fought between coalitions, with the
fascists, monarchists, aristocrats, and clergy on one side,
and the communists, socialists, democrats, and anarchists on
the other, at least at first. This is a big part of what
appealed to Orwell: here at last was a clear-cut war of good
against evil, between forces trying to liberate the people and
those trying to enslave them. When he first arrived in
Catalonia, then in the hands of the anarchists, Orwell was
struck by the new society of equals that had sprung up, where
people in shops acted like friends helping you out and not
toadies grateful to serve you. "Human beings were trying to
behave as human beings and not as cogs in the capitalist
machine." As far as the socialists and anarchists were
concerned, the revolution was underway and they weren't going
to give it up in order to restore the previous regime, however
preferable it might be to living under Franco. The communists,
however, differed.
The PSUC (communist) position, as Orwell rendered it, was: "At
present nothing matters except winning the war; without victory in
the war all else is meaningless. Therefore this is not the moment
to talk of pressing forward with the revolution. We can't afford
to alienate the peasants by forcing collectivization upon them,
and we can't afford to frighten away the middle classes who were
fighting on our side. Above all for the sake of efficiency we
must do away with revolutionary chaos. We must have a strong
central government in place of local committees, and we must have
a properly trained and fully militarized army under a unified
command. Clinging on to fragments of workers' control and
parroting revolutionary phrases is worse than useless; it is not
merely obstructive, but even counterrevolutionary, because it
leads to divisions which can be used against us by the fascists.
At this stage we are not fighting for the dictatorship of the
proletariat, we are fighting for parliamentary democracy. Whoever
tries to turn the civil war into a social revolution is playing
into the hands of the Fascists and is in effect, if not in
intention, a traitor."
This was the position of the Spanish communists because it was
the position of their chief sponsor, Josef Stalin. There is a
germ of old-time Marxism in there — before Lenin, Marxists
maintained that true communism could only arise as a proletarian
reaction to the excesses of capitalism. This is why agrarian
Russia, with its huge peasantry but tiny proletariat, was one of
the last countries that non-Russian Marxists would have selected
as the launching point for the revolution. So orthodox ideology
would have insisted that Spanish workers rise up against the
government, not against a usurper. But more to the point,
despite the fact that one of Lenin's main slogans was "power
to the soviets" (ie, local councils), once the
Bolsheviks were in control, all power was centralized and the
soviets became dummy organizations. Nor was the Red Army any
more egalitarian than any other army. In short, the society of
equals of which socialists around the world dreamed, which
Orwell saw a glimpse of in Catalonia, and which was anathema to
Western conservatives, was also anathema to the USSR.
The POUM (socialist) position, in Orwell's words, was: "It is nonsense
to talk of opposing fascism by bourgeois 'democracy.' Bourgeois
'democracy' is only another name for capitalism, and so is fascism; to
fight against fascism on behalf of 'democracy' is to fight against one
form of capitalism on behalf of a second which is liable to turn into
the first at any moment. The only real alternative to fascism is
workers' control. If you set up any less goal than this, you will either
hand the victory to Franco, or, at best, let in fascism by the back door.
Meanwhile the workers must cling to every scrap of what they have won;
if they yield anything to the semi-bourgeois government they can depend
upon being cheated. The workers' militias and police forces must be
preserved in their present form and every effort to 'bourgeoisify' them
must be resisted. If the workers do not control the armed forces, the
armed forces will control the workers. The war and the revolution are
It seems to me that this sort of dispute is fundamental to politics
in general. Change a few of the words and you could easily make this
into a capsule summary of the struggle that goes on within opposition
parties in democracies. On one side you have the triangulators, the
people who say that all that matters is winning elections, that no
part of your platform is sacred because if you don't have power then
your platform is irrelevant. Those on the other side point out that
if you become like your enemies, what does it matter if you supplant
I was reminded of something Duncan Black wrote about the (at the time)
three leading contenders for the Democratic nomination for president.
His was a three-line post, but unpacked, it's something like this:
They didn't, and don't, dramatically differ on policy details. But
Hillary Clinton's message boils down to, "I know how to work within
the system better than anyone," having learned at Bill Clinton's side
the delicate art of picking and choosing which things to sell your
supporters out on (greenlighting media consolidation, greenlighting
marriage discrimination, gutting welfare, increasing censorship) in
order to gather the political capital to provide them a few of the
things they want (family and medical leave, more sensible taxation,
reasonably sane judges). But the important thing is maintaining
power, and one of the arguments that Clinton's supporters have put
forth — especially in the aftermath of the Nevada caucuses,
when Clinton's people were accused of dirty tricks — was that
the Clintons are very good at holding on to power and have no qualms
about resorting to Republican-style tactics, pointing to the Dukakis,
Gore, and Kerry campaigns as examples of what happens when you're
reluctant to lower yourself to the level of your opponents. Clinton
has also spent far more of her campaign funds on consultants, which
falls right in line with the notion that you should never say anything
that doesn't poll well — a charge that stuck to the Clintons
back in the 90s and which also neatly matches the PSUC line about
not alienating the rubes you're trying to keep on your side.
John Edwards took a different line: "The system sucks, and we have
to fight like hell to destroy it." Clinton claimed that her years
in the White House and subsequently in the Senate made her "ready
from day one"... but ready to do what? Make trades with corporate
interests and hope that the people came away in a marginally better
position? The Edwards campaign argued that, on the contrary, the
single fundamental problem with American society is that unchecked
corporate power allows a select few to live ever more privileged
lives at the expense of those who actually do the work. This is
unjust, contrary to the general welfare, and a threat to domestic
tranquility; consequently, it is the job of the president to fight
corporate depredation, not to cozy up to big business in hopes that
the people will receive some sort of ancillary benefit from your
mutual backscratching. Even if nominating a Democrat who caters
to corporate interests gives the party a better chance in the
general election, which is debatable, you're still a prisoner
trading a 45% chance of going free for a 55% chance of nicer
guards. This is not entirely dissimilar from the POUM line.
Then there's Barack Obama: "The system sucks, but I'm so awesome
that it will melt before me." Uh-huh. That's Duncan Black's
summary, but I'm not convinced that Obama even thinks that the
system sucks — I looked through his "Blueprint for Change,"
and I didn't see a lot about transforming society. Like Clinton, he
seems to think that the job of government is to "tackle problems";
not only does he use that phrase, but he then goes issue by issue,
lays out what he sees as the "problem," and then puts forward a
plan. That's all well and good, but it strikes me as completely
reactive. In his speeches Obama talks about "hope" and "change,"
but hope for what? Change to what? I said up top that
there were two ideas in Homage to Catalonia that I found
interesting. One was about the balance between gaining power and
being co-opted. The other is that since, as noted, society had
been transformed in Catalonia, the socialist forces weren't
just fighting against Franco but for the new society they
had started to create. They were builders, not repairmen.
One of the most pernicious trends in language today is the
tendency to talk about everything as a "solution." I have
actually seen raisins referred to — I kid you not —
as "premium dried fruit solutions." Now, it's not hard to see
why marketing people would glom onto this language: "here's
something you might enjoy eating" is nowhere near as forceful
as "you have a problem and it is a lack of dried
fruit!" But this is terrible for many reasons, of which
I will talk about two. One is that it's inaccurate. Consider
typewriters. The Qwerty keyboard layout was designed to slow
typists down in order to avoid jammed keys. By the 1930s,
this was no longer an issue, but the inefficient layout led to
typist fatigue. So August Dvorak created a more efficient
keyboard. That is a true solution: there was a known problem
that people were complaining about, and he fixed it. Compare
this to word processors. They are computer programs, or in
today's lingo, "software solutions." But word processors
weren't invented to solve problems! There was no public
outcry among writers demanding a way to make words magically
fly around a page. The supply created the demand: first the
engineers and programmers dreamed up the technology, and
people said "whoa, that's awesome" and adopted it. That's
how progress happens: not just by fixing what we know to be
deficient, but through the efforts of visionaries who imagine
ways to improve what we didn't know needed improving.
Which brings up the second problem with calling everything
a "solution" — by suggesting that an idea can only be
worthwhile if it solves a problem, it encourages us to be
complacent about anything that isn't a crisis, whether that
crisis be real or fake. There was a time when you could
hear someone running for the Democratic nomination quoting
George Bernard Shaw and claiming to "dream of things that
never were, and ask, 'Why not?'" Now it seems that they've
decided that, no, looking at things the way they are is
plenty. Sure, you can make a case that things are so fucked
up at the moment that repair work is all we can manage. But
just as fighting against Franco was much less inspiring for
the Catalonians than fighting for the revolution, I'd
be much less disappointed about this election season if,
after intensively following political news for months on
end, I had a sense of the vision the candidates had for

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