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WandaVision Like many of my generation, I first encountered superheroes not in comic books but on TV. At age four, I am told, I couldn’t get enough of the Spider-Man segments on The Electric Company. At age five I was obsessed with Ralph Bakshi’s 1966 series The Mighty Heroes, a broad parody with characters like “Cuckoo Man” and “Diaper Man”, though I didn’t know what it was parodying at the time. By age seven I had moved on to the more serious Superfriends, with Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman. When a new branch of the public library opened near my house later that same year, I discovered that at 741.597, there were entire books about these characters. These books were mostly black-and-white compendia of comics from the 1950s, ’40s, and even ’30s (and please be kind enough not to point out that 1981 is closer to 1938, the year of Action Comics #1, than it is to 2025). Then one day I went to Toys “R” Us and got this jigsaw puzzle: |
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…and other than Spider-Man, I didn’t know any of these
So it was back to the library to pick up books about
Marvel superheroes, such as
Origins of Marvel Comics and
Bring on the Bad Guys.
But I couldn’t find anything about the most
interesting-looking characters in the puzzle.
Who was that yellow and red robot guy over at the center right, for
And who was that
red guy
in the green and yellow costume?
I got the answer to the latter question when I found myself in a bookstore that turned out to carry “Marvel Illustrated Books”—paperbacks containing a couple of comics with the color removed and the panels rearranged to fit the smaller pages. And one of them, which I eagerly snatched up, was all about that red guy:
![]() So that was how I first read Avengers #57 and #58, featuring the debut of the Vision. Or, rather, the debut of the Silver Age version of the Vision. In the Golden Age, way back in 1940, Marvel Mystery Comics #13 had launched a character who went by the same name, this one a mysterious interdimensional alien with the power to teleport between wisps of smoke. Twenty-eight years later, Avengers writer Roy Thomas was fixated on the idea that even though the Marvel Universe had begun with Fantastic Four #1 in 1961, Marvel’s predecessor companies Timely and Atlas had nearly thirty years of history that Thomas could mine for content—and one example of his fixation was that he wanted to make the Golden Age Vision, whose last appearance had been in 1943, into an Avenger. Stan Lee vetoed the idea—he wanted the next Avenger to be an android. And so Thomas created a mysterious android called the Vision whose costume looked virtually identical to the alien’s. Except the Avengers’ resident scientist at the time, Hank Pym, pulled the “akshually” card and declared that the Vision was “not an android… but a synthozoid!” Okay, so what’s a synthozoid? Or a synthezoid, as it would soon be spelled? How does it differ from an android? And how does either differ from a robot? Etymologically, it would seem that an android is distinguished from other robots by its resemblance to a man. But I can’t recall the the Avengers’ arch-enemy Ultron ever being described as an android, despite the fact that he’s got two arms (with elbows), two legs (with knees), two hands with five fingers each, a head with two eyes and a mouth—he is nevertheless always called a robot. I guess it’s because he’s made of metal and his face is a fright mask, so he can’t pass for human? Yet the Vision is an android despite his tomato-red skin and solid black eyes. Saying “no, he’s a synthezoid” doesn’t help matters, because that’s an even stricter category: Pym explains that it means “You’re basically human in every way—except your body is made of synthetic parts!”, and years later, the Vision himself explains, “Some men have prosthetic arms, or legs, or eyes! I have prosthetic everything!” That is, rather than just being a robot with an outer covering that makes him look human(-ish), he’s got a heart and lungs and kidneys and whatnot, just all made of plastic. Except in later years when we see the Vision disassembled, whoops, he is a robot on the inside, full of circuit boards and copper wiring. And two pages after specifying that the Vision is a synthezoid, Pym himself goes back to calling him an android. So the comics’ explanation of who (or what) the Vision is probably sounds more than a little handwavy. And it is. But it could have been much handwavier. Recall that Stan Lee came up with the idea of mutants in large part because he got tired of having to come up with unique explanations for how all his characters got their powers. Posit the existence of mutants, and you can say, “They were just born with ’em, okay?” Similarly, Roy Thomas and company could have played off the Vision like so: “Hey, folks, the newest Avenger has density powers! He can make his body more durable than solid steel, or turn ethereal and walk through walls! How? He’s an android! He was built that way!” And then that would be the last you’d hear of him being an android. Marvel had done it before. That’s how the company had played off its first superhero, back in 1939. Marvel Comics #1 starts with a man introducing himself as “Professor Horton”, who then declares, “As you all know, I’ve been working on a synthetic man—an exact replica of a human being!” The problem is, his creation has to be kept in a vacuum chamber, because when exposed to air, it bursts into flame. But the automaton learns how to control the reaction, and since it speaks like a human, acts like a human, and thinks like a human, the press dubs it—or, rather, him—“the Human Torch”. By #4, the Torch has adopted the civilian name “Jim Hamond”, and the fact that he’s a robot has fully receded into the background. Not so for the Vision. In 1968, Stan and Roy saw the induction of the Vision into the Avengers as a prime opportunity to teach their young audience some lessons about the importance of diversity and inclusion. “You accept me… though I’m not truly a human being?” the Vision asks. Pym replies, “The five original Avengers included an Asgardian immortal… and a green-skinned, tormented behemoth! We ask merely a man’s worth… not the accident of his condition!” Of course, the Vision soon found that not everyone in 1968 shared this attitude. On his first venture out in public after he was announced as the newest Avenger, he found that “the world holds no warmth… no welcome for one who is not fully human”, as we see some meathead shaking his fist at the Vision and growling, “Crummy androids… tryin’ to take over from real people!” He’s wearing a pork pie hat rather than a MAGA cap, but the allegory should still be pretty clear. But the Vision’s status as an android is more than just an allegory for membership in a demonized minority group. Right from the get-go, the comics played up the idea that the Vision seemed cold, stiff, and yes, robotic on the outside, while on the inside, he was roiling with emotion. It was this android who, in one of the most famous panels in comic book history, shed a tear upon being accepted into the Avengers. It was this android who, with no need to sleep, would spend his nights reading poetry and listening to jazz records. It was this android who was wounded to the quick by every slight, would snap at his friends and then apologize, would go off to sulk and then berate himself for giving in to self-pity. And he spent a lot of time falling into despair about how he was a mere machine, a pale imitation of life, so much less than human because he couldn’t really feel—the irony, of course, being that his feelings were stronger than anyone’s. The obvious story arc once the character was established, Thomas thought, was to offer the Vision the prospect of a romance. Maybe an android could cry, but could an android love? Now, at the time, there was only one woman on the team: the Wasp. But she was married to Hank Pym. The only other woman who had ever been an Avenger was the Scarlet Witch. So Thomas brought her back. Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, had first appeared as an X‑Men villain—sort of. X‑Men #1 established Magneto as the X‑Men’s arch-enemy; when he reappeared in #4, he had his own team, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, to back him up. But only two of his four new underlings, the Toad and Mastermind, actually were evil mutants. We learn in their very first appearance that the other two, Wanda and her twin brother Pietro, were only on the team out of a sense of obligation: Wanda had accidentally set a village on fire with her unpredictable hex power, and Magneto had saved her from an outraged mob. In that first appearance of the Maximoffs, Magneto’s scheme is undone not by the X‑Men, but by Pietro—a.k.a. Quicksilver, one of the all-time great sobriquets in the world of comics—who dismantles Magneto’s doomsday device in a fit of conscience. In their second appearance, the following issue, it’s Wanda who zaps Magneto’s thingamajig and thereby saves the X‑Men. They are clearly being set up to switch sides and become the sixth and seventh X‑Men—but Stan had a trick up his sleeve. Yes, in X‑Men #11, they do quit the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants… but one week later, in Avengers #16, they sign up to fight not under Professor X but Captain America! (When Wanda explains how they’d been forced to serve Magneto, Stan, recognizing that perhaps having the X‑Men square off against the Brotherhood in four consecutive storylines may have been overkill, amusingly footnotes her speech “As shown in practically every issue of X-Men”.) Wanda begins her Avengers tenure as part of “Cap’s Kooky Quartet”, in which the personalities line up thusly: Captain America is the experienced leader, prone to brooding over his lack of a private life; Hawkeye is the earthy hothead who spends most of his time sassing Cap; Quicksilver is… another hothead, overly protective of Wanda; and Wanda doesn’t have to worry about her personality overlapping with that of another character, because she doesn’t have one. At least the Wasp had some traits, as demeaningly stereotypical as they were: she was the Avengers’ ditzy mascot, who flirted with any man within a ten-mile radius in hopes of getting Hank Pym jealous enough to propose to her. But in her first stint as an Avenger, the Scarlet Witch is a blank. Her dialogue is either purely functional (“Hawkeye, look out!” “I will use my hex power!”) or serves the purposes of the plot. Does she support Cap’s leadership or side with the boys? Does she resent Pietro’s domineering ways or meekly submit to them? It varies from one page to the next, depending on what gets the characters to the next story beat! But as I’ve discussed in many of these articles over the years, one of the paradoxes of storytelling is that the emptier a character is, the better that character works for a large segment of the audience. Ciphers have few conflicting characteristics to get in the way of audience identification—or, in the case of a love interest, to conflict with the readers’ own desires. In this sense, even if Wanda’s hadn’t been the only unmarried female Avenger, she would have been ideal for Thomas’s purposes. There was nothing in her personality to suggest that she would be open to a relationship with an android… but there was nothing in her personality to suggest that she wouldn’t. Because, y’know, there was nothing in her personality. She returned to the team in issue #75, cover date 1970.04. By #81, she was staring at the Vision with her thought balloons filling up with reflections like “Before now, I’ve always thought of him as cold… aloof… but I was wrong—so wrong!” And then came years of the two of them going in for a kiss, only for the Vision to turn away: “No! It must not be. I’m an android—a mere copy of a living being—a thing of plastoid flesh and synthetic blood!” But while “Can an artificial being truly love?” was the primary theme of the Vizh/Witch relationship, the fact that the Avengers’ acceptance of the Vision had served as an allegory for the virtues of integration meant that, when he and Wanda did become a romantic couple under the pen of Thomas’s successor Steve Englehart, they served as an allegory for interracial relationships. Pietro is tapped to play the role of the intolerant patriarch: “I am the head of our family—and I forbid you to love that thing!” As for the wider public, Englehart has the younger generation on board with the relationship, while their elders are more likely to side with Pietro. One writes Wanda a hate letter, intercepted by Captain America: “Androds are agents of the devil,” it reads in part. “Wize up befor its to late! Androds have no soles!” This adversity just makes their love for each other stronger, even ferocious—and it becomes Wanda’s defining characteristic. By the time I started collecting comics in the mid-’80s, the Vision and the Scarlet Witch were married and living in Leonia, New Jersey, and I was going to say that not much had changed, as one Roger Stern Avengers issue had arsonists burn down their house—but, no, upon a quick reread, I see that the emphasis was different. The bigots weren’t angry that an android (read: member of a racial minority group) was married to a human woman (read: befouling a sweet flower of white maidenhood)—they just hated the two of them, separately, merely for existing. Part of this was that enough time had passed since Loving v. Virginia that panic over miscegenation was no longer a major part of the zeitgeist. Another part was that Wanda was not human but a mutant—in fact, she’d recently been revealed to be Magneto’s daughter—and with the X‑Men having risen from B‑listers to Marvel’s top sellers, anti-mutant hysteria was now Marvel’s primary allegory for bigotry of all sorts. (In the twelve-issue limited series that provided the logo at the top of this article, Englehart followed up on the arsonists: “I don’t want a mutie living in Leonia!” is at the top of their list of complaints.) And then there was the Vision’s evolution to consider. One of the fundamental components of storytelling is the character arc. This can be a matter of a character being changed by external factors—e.g., when the Avengers’ butler, Jarvis, reflects in Avengers #280 “how little like the giddy young girl I met so long ago” the Wasp had become, it is largely due to the abuse she had suffered in her marriage. But sometimes the steps of the journey to come are baked into a character as introduced. The Vision was an android who fretted about the extent to which his status as an artificial construct made him less than human; it seems only natural that his character arc would involve him becoming less robotic, at least in fits and starts, and partaking in more and more elements of human experience. And that is what we see in the twenty years following his debut. I mentioned that he grows interested in poetry and jazz, pursues a romance with the Scarlet Witch that leads to marriage, and moves with her to New Jersey. The Vision was actually the primary focus of the first long Avengers storyline I collected out of the spinner racks: he becomes team leader, and at the end of it, he frees himself of a “control crystal” Ultron had built into his synthetic brain. As a result, his speech balloons switch from his trademark rectangles to regular round ones—signaling that he no longer sounds like a Mattel Intellivoice, but like a regular person. And that’s the Vision’s status quo during the Englehart series mentioned above: he’s just a guy who instead of being full of microplastics is full of macroplastics. This series also emphasizes the Vision’s family connections: Roy Thomas had established that Ultron had programmed the Vision with the brain patterns of a dead superhero called Wonder Man, and with Wonder Man now back from the dead, the series makes a big deal of the fact that the Vision has a “brother”, and through him, a mother, and “Cousins! Nephews! Aunts! Black sheep!” So the next step in the Vision’s journey through the range of human experience is parenthood, and nine months of the series are given over to Wanda’s pregnancy, culminating in the birth of their twins, Tommy and Billy. How could an android sire children, you ask? Magic! When first introduced, Wanda was said to have a “hex power”: all she had to do was point, and an unpredictable disaster would occur. This could be anything from a pitcher of water falling off a table to the wiring in a wall-sized supercomputer exploding. In short, she had Stan Lee’s favorite power: she could do whatever the plot required! By the time I was reading comics, subsequent writers had added a scientific veneer to the hexes: “The very laws of probability warp and alter before her eyes!” For instance, in the first issue of Avengers I ever bought, #237, the Scarlet Witch defeats Electro by improbably making “all the carbon dioxide in the room cluster around his head, so he’d pass out from temporary lack of oxygen”. But that was her mutant power. Back in Avengers #128, a member of the Fantastic Four’s entourage had offered to help her develop a parallel set of powers: “I know of a desire in you—a desire to be more than you have been—a desire for your name to be more truth than poetry—and I flatter myself that I possess some small expertise regarding witchcraft.” This was a character Stan Lee and Jack Kirby had introduced in Fantastic Four #94, very late in their run; she was a thin, quite elderly woman whom Reed and Sue Richards had selected to serve as the nanny to their baby son, Franklin. This self-described “frail old lady”, black cat in tow, fended off an attack by the Wizard, Sandman, and Trapster, and thereby won the approval of the FF’s leader: “It seems that Agatha Harkness was the perfect choice for us after all!” he proclaims. Now a few years had passed and Franklin was no longer in need of a nanny, and Agatha selected Wanda as her “new charge”. Thus, by the time Wanda and the Vision had started talking about how to start a family, Wanda was just as likely to be reciting incantations while sitting at the center of a circle of candles as she was to be using her mutant abilities. When Kurt Busiek became the Avengers writer in the late ’90s, he tried to reconcile Wanda’s power sets by having Agatha explain that the imprisoned demon Chthon had, from the moment of Wanda’s birth, shaped her mutant abilities to make her a potential vessel for his re-emergence; in so doing, he had given her the ability to wield chaos magic, unconsciously at first, but with purpose if ever she were to study to become a sorceress. Which, more than sixty years after her debut, is how she’s now portrayed: she’s no longer a student, no longer a dabbler, no longer a mutant playacting as a magic user, but is an actual sorceress with students of her own. You might say it’s the culmination of her character arc. But there are creators, and certainly there are marketing types, who find the very concept of character arcs misguided. They believe that once a character catches on with an audience, the job of those who work on that character is to give the people what they want over and over again—to iterate through what John Byrne called the character’s “established motifs”. Say you get tapped to write Spider‑Man. You gotta play the hits! Taking photos for J. Jonah Jameson to pay the rent! Checking up on Aunt May to make sure she’s taking her medicine! Ducking out in the middle of a date because a bad guy has attacked! Which bad guy? Oh, one of the regular rotation: the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, the Lizard… for Spider‑Man you’ve got a lot of options. And sure, you can launch a storyline that shakes up the status quo, but after a year or two, you have to put the toys back where you found them. So if Peter Parker uses his established scientific acumen to start up his own tech firm, that’s fine, but it can’t be too long before the company collapses and Pete has to go crawling back to Jonah. If Aunt May, who appeared to be about eighty-five as drawn by both Ditko and Romita, finally succumbs to one of her various ailments, that’s fine, so long as she’s quickly resurrected—perhaps a “genetically altered actress” died in her place? If Pete gets married, meaning no more dates with comely lasses who don’t know he’s Spider‑Man, that’s fine, so long as he gets divorced… wait, no, we don’t want him to be a divorcé, because that’s a permanent change, so maybe he can make a deal with the devil to retroactively alter the timeline. And then you can get back to playing the hits! Now, you may ask, doesn’t that get boring? If it gets boring for the creator, Byrne asserts, he should just move on to another title whose star has a different set of established motifs. But boring for the reader? How? Comics are for kids! Say you tell a story (e.g., someone else takes over for Steve Rogers as Captain America) when a certain reader is eleven. If you rehash it five years later, well, that kid is now sixteen, and too old to be reading comics! He’ll never know the story was done all over again, just as when he was eleven he didn’t know the stories he was enjoying had already been done when he was six! There’s a reason I keep mentioning John Byrne here. As noted, Steve Englehart had been the primary caretaker of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch since 1972; he’s the one who married them off and the one who made them parents. When their limited series ended, he brought them over to his ongoing book, West Coast Avengers. But shortly thereafter, Englehart left that book, in a dispute with the editors over their interference in a storyline involving his pet character, Mantis. And John Byrne took over. I was excited! Byrne was one of the very top names in ’80s comics, both for story and art, and even though I’d only caught the tail end of his long run on Fantastic Four, I’d really imprinted on the issues I had read. And in interviews he was saying that the reason he’d chosen West Coast Avengers as his next gig was that he had a story about the Vision and the Scarlet Witch he wanted to tell. Well, you can probably put two and two together here. The guy who’d started his Fantastic Four run with a story called “Back to the Basics!” thought that it was high time that these characters stop progressing through life stages and return to their “established motifs”. In the case of the Vision, that meant turning him back into an emotionless robot. Of course, this was a wild misreading of the character. The Vision had never been emotionless; right from the get-go he was the most emotional member of the team. And he’d never been a robot, either. All that rigmarole about “synthozoids” was Roy Thomas trying to put a giant blinking sign saying “NOT A ROBOT” over the Vision’s head, but apparently John Byrne missed it. And the whole point of Hank Pym paraphrasing Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech was to establish the parallel between the Vision and a member of a visible minority group: the Vision’s synthetic body didn’t make him less than, or even in any way that truly mattered different from, anyone else. Byrne’s stance thus amounts to “Judge you by the content of your character? Not when you have skin like that, I won’t!” In interview after interview, he insisted that the Vision was nothing more than “a toaster”, and it was a travesty on Marvel’s part to allow Wanda to marry one—seemingly unaware that he was echoing the Marvel Universe bigots who stood in for our world’s opponents of interracial marriage. Wize up befor its to late! Tosters have no soles! Anyway, Byrne had a consortium of governments kidnap the Vision, wipe his mind and all backups thereof, and take apart his body; by the time the Avengers rescue him, his personality is unrecoverable, and his synthetic skin has been so traumatized that it has turned from red to white. Naturally, this devastates poor Wanda, and she hires a nanny to help her with Tommy and Billy while she is busy tending to the Vision during his reconstruction. She ends up hiring a whole series of nannies, in fact, because they keep reporting that Tommy and Billy have disappeared, yet when Wanda returns in a panic, the boys are always right where they’re supposed to be—so she gets furious and replaces the nanny in question, only for the same thing to happen with the next one. Eventually Agatha Harkness arrives—she’d been killed by Englehart, but Byrne didn’t let a little thing like that stand in his way—and reveals that Wanda’s children are figments of her imagination, given temporary form by her hex power. Discovering that she’s crazy drives Wanda even crazier: first she goes catatonic, then she reunites with her father Magneto and her brother Pietro to form sixty percent of the old Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Back to the basics! And then, like Englehart before him, Byrne found that the editors were pulling the rug out from under him, rescinding permission to do his proposed storylines when the beginning and middle of those storylines had already been published, prompting him to quit before resolving anything. Byrne maintains that he’d made sure there were ways to undo his changes: for instance, if and when the time came to reset the Vision to his 1983 self, Avengers #238 could be cited as a point at which his mind had been backed up on Saturn’s moon Titan, far out of the reach of Earth’s governments. But no one went back to that save point. Instead, a series of other writers spent the next fifteen years or so doing a slow-motion replay of the Vision and Wanda’s initial development. The Vision is returned to a red body and gradually regains his emotions. Wanda is depowered, then can cast unpredictable hexes, then returns to Agatha Harkness and learns to wield chaos magic. By 2003 Wanda and the Vision are starting to spend some time together. And then Avengers was handed to Brian Bendis. I wrote about Bendis’s run on Avengers (and its multiple spinoff books) while it was happening. My main focus was the “Avengers Disassembled” storyline that kicked off his tenure. It was very bad. My summary was “talk talk talk chaotic violence chaotic violence talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk chaotic violence talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk chaotic violence talk talk inexplicable stupidity the end”. But let’s put the evaluation aside and have a look at the content. John Byrne had asserted that Wanda’s ’80s-era power set—i.e., altering probabilities—required that she be able to change the past. For instance, for a building to collapse when she points at it, she must be retroactively changing the accumulated history of stresses upon the frame so that every piece of it just so happens to suffer spontaneous catastrophic failure at that moment. That would make her a cosmic-level powerhouse, able to warp time and reality on a scale that would bring her to the attention of a classic Avengers villain, who had first appeared way back in issue #10: Immortus, Master of Time! I’m not sure that Byrne’s conclusions necessarily follow from the contemporaneous premise of Wanda’s powers, which were set forth in The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #9: that she could cause “a disturbance in the molecular-level probability field surrounding the target” she pointed at. It seems like Byrne is positing a deterministic universe (e.g., the likelihood of the building collapsing is either zero or one, and could be known with a complete knowledge of the history of every particle in the cosmos, and thus that must be what Wanda’s changing), while the OHOTMU suggests that in the Marvel Universe there is true randomness from moment to moment: that the likelihood of the building collapsing is not zero but something like 1×10–99, and she’s upping that until it becomes so likely that it actually happens. But in any case, for Bendis the takeaway was that Wanda is a reality warper of immense power. Or at least, that was one takeaway. The other takeaway was that Wanda was actually just as crazy as she’d been at the end of Byrne’s run and had just been hiding it for fifteen years of real time. He also took it as gospel that Agatha Harkness had, as she says in Avengers West Coast #52, made her forget the existence of her children, and indeed had “closed that corner of her mind for all time”—even though by #75, Wanda had recovered her memories of them. And Bendis wanted to radically change the Avengers lineup to kick out the sorts of characters he didn’t know how to write and bring in those he felt more comfortable with (Spider-Man, Spider‑Woman, Luke Cage, Wolverine). And so he set forth a story in which the Wasp inadvertently reminds Wanda that she had once had children; again, Wanda had demonstrated that she remembered them as far back as 1991, but under Bendis’s pen, this reminder causes Wanda to become psychologically unmoored. She secretly starts warping reality in ways that go far beyond her usual “gun jams” and “machine blows up” tricks: zombie versions of dead Avengers show up and explode, a fleet of alien spaceships launches an attack, and in a scene that kind of sums up the storyline, the Vision flies a quinjet directly into Avengers Mansion 9/11‑style, emerges from the wreckage, spits out a bunch of spheres that turn into an army of Ultrons, and is then ripped in half by a berserk She‑Hulk. While a few dozen Avengers stand around barking Bendis dialogue at each other, Doctor Strange shows up, gives them all an issue-long lecture, and then leads them to a bubble of false reality where Wanda has holed up with replicas of loved ones she has conjured up: the old Vision, their two boys (now age ten or so), Agatha Harkness. Bendis can’t write superhero fights that go beyond “overpowered hero zaps villain”, so he just has Doctor Strange zap Wanda and that is pretty much that. And, I mean, given that (as I once documented) the recurring gimmick of early issues of The Avengers was that the hapless Avengers are bailed out by outside help, I guess Bendis was sticking to those established motifs. So the Vision and the Scarlet Witch were off the board for a while. Of course, in comics no one stays dead—even in cases like Ben Parker and Gwen Stacy, there’s always an alternate universe or six out there that has its own book that allows you to follow their ongoing adventures. So not only was the Vision eventually brought back and the Scarlet Witch rehabilitated, but Allan Heinberg even imported young adult versions of Tommy and Billy from parallel universes to serve as key members of his “Young Avengers” spinoff team. Tom King wrote a critically acclaimed twelve-issue series called The Vision in which the Vision builds himself a synthezoid family: wife, son, daughter, even a dog called Sparky. And Steve Orlando has taken a few swings at keeping a Scarlet Witch series running. But c’mon. We know the drill. As far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is concerned, Brian Bendis is Homer, Shakespeare, and Stan Lee all wrapped up in one. So when, in a pleasant surprise, the MCU folks decided to devote an entire show to the Vision and the Scarlet Witch, naturally they were going to see what Bendis had done with them, even though the answer was that he had written them out of the series immediately because they are not the type of character he can write. That didn’t stop the WandaVision team from building their series around the handful of pages Bendis had given those two characters, but it meant they had to bring in some other material as well. And the main thing they brought in was my favorite movie! ![]() here I don’t know how WandaVision was advertised; for all I know, everyone else who watched it went in already knowing the premise. But the creators were brave enough not to start with a framing sequence that would give away what they’re up to. I went in having spent four years avoiding spoilers, so I was expecting something that would pick up from where the Avengers movies had left off. Instead—well, as many have pointed out, one of the successes of the MCU is that it has slotted its offerings into a wide variety of genres. On the TV side, for instance, Jessica Jones is a film noir private eye procedural, Luke Cage is ’70s blaxploitation, Runaways is a superhero version of The Breakfast Club, and The Punisher is part of that post‑9/11 genre that Jon Bois memorably described as “a quasi-apocalyptic nightmare that reduced America to a cathedral of death worship”. And WandaVision kicks off looking for all the world like an 1950s sitcom à la I Married Joan. Black and white, squarish aspect ratio, old-fashioned theme song, old-fashioned jokes, old-fashioned situations: in this one, the Vision’s boss from down at the data processing office is coming over for dinner and our star couple needs to impress him (and not give away that they have superpowers). There are a few signs that things aren’t what they seem—for one thing, the town seems more ethnically diverse than we might expect for a ’50s sitcom, though initially that seems like it might just be a concession to the fact that by 2021 a little anachronism was considered a worthwhile price to pay for a more inclusive cast. More tellingly, our attention is drawn to weird gaps in the characters’ knowledge of who they are and how they got here—and we zoom out at the end to show the closing credits playing on a monitor in modern times. But the creators courageously bet that viewers will tune back in with no explanation beyond that. And while episode two gives us an animated title sequence that shows we’ve progressed to the Bewitched era, it otherwise seems like more of the same. At least for seven minutes. But then Wanda discovers that a toy helicopter has fallen into her hedge. And it’s in full color, even as the hedge, Wanda herself, and the rest of the world around her remain in black and white. Eeeee! This is the chief gimmick of Pleasantville! In that movie a couple of kids get transported to a ’50s sitcom where everything is black and white, but their presence starts to push the culture forward, and little pops of color start to appear in the monochrome world! And now the MCU was playing with the same trope—and not just with any characters, but with two of the characters I most imprinted on when I was nine, ten, eleven, twelve years old! Like, I’m looking at what’s coming up next, and, like, I don’t really care overmuch about the Falcon, or Bucky Barnes, or fuckin’ Loki—but I absolutely care about the Vision and the Scarlet Witch. And here they are in Pleasantville. It’s like when I watched Knives Out and boggled at the extent to which it seemed to have been made specifically for me. So, yeah, this turns out to be a Pattern 11 story: it starts off by establishing a false ceiling (the strictures of an old black-and-white sitcom) and then bursts through it. Because it turns out that we’re in the MCU after all, and what we’re seeing is all part of the creators’ bricolage. Avengers: Infinity War had established Wanda and the Vision as a couple, but before that movie was over, the Vision had been violently deactivated by Thanos, and Wanda was one of the characters who had succumbed to the Thanos snap. WandaVision eventually fills in the gap between Wanda’s return at the end of Avengers: Endgame and the 1950s sitcom: we learn that the Vision’s body had fallen into the custody of a S.H.I.E.L.D.-adjacent organization called S.W.O.R.D. Wanda had stormed in and discovered S.W.O.R.D. technicians busily dismantling the Vision in a scene very similar to the ending of Byrne’s West Coast Avengers #43. But instead of taking the body back with her, à la WCA #44, Wanda retreats to the New Jersey town where the Vision had proposed that they settle down, and in her grief, turns it into a bubble reality—much like the one Bendis had her create in Avengers #503, complete with a Vision forged from her memories. The twist from outside the comics is that the creators of the TV show—being TV people rather than comics people—establish that, as a little girl in Eastern Europe, MCU Wanda had been fixated on DVDs of American sitcoms her father had smuggled in, running the gamut from The Dick Van Dyke Show to Malcolm in the Middle, and that these influence the shape her bubble reality takes. For WandaVision is also a Pattern 43 story, television about television. Normally I consider Pattern 43 a negative, but the way the show tracks the development of the sitcom through the second half of the twentieth century, with episodes devoted to re-creating the tropes of each decade… again, this could hardly be more up my alley. So, as in Englehart’s Vizh/Witch series, Wanda gives birth to Tommy and Billy—but in the ’80s episode, they age from babies to preschoolers in an instant, just like the babies from such ’80s sitcoms as Family Ties, Growing Pains, and I’m sure many more. The bricolage continues: the show references the characters of Glamor and Illusion from that ’80s series, and brings in Sparky the dog from Tom King’s Vision series of the 2010s. Tommy and Billy gain powers as in Young Avengers. Pietro shows up—played not by the actor who played him in the (Disney) Avengers movies, but the one who played him in the (Fox) X‑Men movies; one of the S.W.O.R.D. agents monitoring the bubble reality makes this into an explicit commentary on recasting. The white Vision makes an appearance. And Agatha Harkness turns out to play a significant role, though the show changes her look significantly—I guess Maggie Smith was booked. WandaVision also gives significant airtime to a couple of characters rarely linked to the Vision or the Scarlet Witch. One is Jimmy Woo from the Atlas Comics era, who seems to have been tapped as the Agent Phil of this phase of the MCU. The other is the second Captain Marvel—Carol Danvers, the one featured in the Captain Marvel movie, is the fifth or sixth, depending on whom you count. The first was Mar‑Vell of the Kree, whom Jim Starlin had succumb to cancer in Marvel’s first graphic novel, back in 1982. Later that same year, Roger Stern introduced Monica Rambeau, a new, completely unrelated character who adopted the same name—gotta keep those trademarks active!—and had her join the Avengers in his very first issue on that title. Her tenure (#227 to #294) did overlap with the return of the Scarlet Witch (who rejoined the team from #235 to #255) and the Vision (#242 to #255), but otherwise she’s never really been in the same orbit as those two, so it’s a bit odd for her to play such a prominent role here. But my understanding is that she’s returning at some point and so she’s here not just as a S.W.O.R.D. operative but to get powered up in preparation for her next appearance. And, y’know, just to get some screen time so that she might mean something to people who didn’t already know her from the comics when she does reappear. Because that’s one of the things that making a TV show about TV highlights: television adds up. Back in the era when the WandaVision sitcoms are set, watching a sitcom meant visiting its cast of characters twenty-two times a year. That was a big part of what sitcoms offered, apart from the laughs: spend half an hour hanging out with your old friends! And, during that same era, much the same was true for comics. See, I thought this was great. Nothing in the MCU has come close to that first Iron Man movie that kicked off the whole shebang, but I liked WandaVision more than any MCU offering from 2009 to 2020. But like I said, this show draws from my corner of the Marvel Universe. Again, I see that coming up I have MCU offerings featuring the Black Widow, Shang Chi, the Eternals… and, sure, I know who they all are. But the amount of time I spent over the course of my childhood (and have spent since!) reading comics featuring the Vision and the Scarlet Witch in particular would be measured not in hours but in days, maybe even weeks. To have them starring in a twist on Pleasantville was a delight, to me. But to someone who only knows them from the MCU? How much screen time did these characters get in the movies leading up to this series? Two minutes here, three minutes there? The MCU is made up almost wholly of events: individual movies and short series, with most of the latter releasing every episode at once. Only Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had traditional orders of twenty-two episodes a season, starting in September and showing one episode a week, with short breaks, until May, year after year. Not surprisingly, it was also the only one of these shows that, near the end, traded on the idea that the audience might have bonded with the characters over the course of years of watching them on a regular rather than sporadic basis. WandaVision couldn’t do the same—except for people like me who’d already bonded with them. I mean… when I was nine, I brought along a stack of comics with the Vision and Scarlet Witch in them to the week-long outdoor ed program that sixth-graders in my district went to. As I lay in my bunk in that cabin up near Big Bear back in 1983, rereading those (already slightly battered) comics for the fifth time, little did I suspect that I’d be watching a live-action version in 4K resolution four decades later. And I doubt I would have enjoyed the show so much if those comics, now yellowed with age, hadn’t been sitting in boxes inches behind my head as I watched.