January 2007 minutiae
- cnn.com: Britney: I'll be back 'bigger and better than ever'.
C'mon, that editor had to know that would only lead to "she already has
the 'bigger' part taken care of" jokes.
- What's worse than having "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails stuck in your
head? Having it stuck in your head with the key line rendered as "I want
to fuck you in Garanimals."
- It's been well over a year since they were discontinued and I'm
still seriously upset that I can't get any Chocolate Enigmas.
- Someone brought this quote to my attention: "It's bad policy to
speculate on what you'll do if a plan fails when you're trying to
make a plan work." —Condoleezza Rice
At first I boggled at that, but then I realized: she's from Stanford.
At Stanford, when you fail a class, it disappears from your transcript.
Iraq is blowing her mind because she's not used to failures sticking
- cnn.com: Somalia declares state of emergency. It wasn't
in one before?!
- nybooks.com: In Bremer's account, the President was seriously
interested in one issue: whether the leaders of the government that
followed the CPA would publicly thank the United States. Bonus
points for adding, "sir, may I have another."
- In one of the classes I'm taking this semester the professor was
talking about different types of rocks, and it occurred to me: when I
was a child and therefore closer to the ground, I used to pick up rocks
all the time and examine them. I don't think I've picked up a rock
in over twenty years.
- Also, when I was a kid, I couldn't whistle at all. I frequently
tried and completely failed. But now I can whistle very well... probably
better than I can sing (though that may not be a very bold claim).
- I was telling someone about how when I was a kid I had once had
three molars removed without anesthetic (my dad was trying to save money
and do it himself, but didn't get the Novocain right). The interesting
thing is that while I remember that I was shrieking and crying, I do not
remember the actual sensation of the pain — apparently I've blocked
it out. I suppose it's the same process that allows women to have more
than one child.
- Panic: "Oh no! I put my lunch in the oven and totally forgot about
the salt, pepper, butter and thyme!" Relief: "Uh, actually, I also
forgot to put my lunch in the oven."
- Pandora: Based on what you've told us so far, we're playing this
track because it features an unintelligible vocal delivery.
- 1938: War of the Worlds causes a panic. 2007: ...Aqua Teen Hunger
Force. Sigh. Somewhere, Orson Welles is weeping. (And then thinking,
"Mmmm... meatwad.")
- I found myself thinking, wow, y'know, life is pretty good right
now. Every day I find myself looking forward to the next day. One day
it'll be because I'm going to some really interesting classes. Another
day I'll have to work, but that's okay because I'm making half the rent
in a few hours, doing something that is relatively enjoyable. And then
after that it'll be because I have a day off and can work on a project
or just loaf around. But then it occurred to me: if I were having the
opposite thoughts — ie, looking at my unremarkable bohemian
life with despair rather than anticipation — we would call that
depression. So perhaps my current optimism is just another vagary of
brain chemistry and doesn't actually signify that I'm on the right

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